NED Scholars Cultivating Global STEM Talent by Leveling Fields
A Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Public Charity. 47-3624423


Welcome to the NED Scholars’ Success Stories page, where we celebrate the inspiring journeys of remarkable individuals who have overcome challenges and achieved great success. At NED Scholars, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students at NED University, we understand the immense financial burden that can hinder students’ educational dreams. Yet, we firmly believe that with determination, perseverance, and a supportive community, nothing is impossible. Our success stories showcase the indomitable spirit of our students who have worked relentlessly to pursue their dreams, even in the face of adversity. These extraordinary individuals have not only excelled academically but have also become influential leaders in their respective fields. Their stories serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, illuminating the path for future generations of NED Scholars. Join us as we celebrate their triumphs and honor their unwavering commitment to education and personal growth.

Raees Badshah (EE-2019)

Iqra Bibi (SE-2018)